I'm back.....knee is surgered. Boys were packed up and sent to camp and the west coast. One boy was injured (cut his pinky with a knife), surgered and sent home from the west coast. I was packed up and sent off to Chicago, Wisconsin, Chicago and trained back home. Husband surprised me by meeting my train in NY! Injured finger had its stitches removed, only to discover that the tendon had reruptured, so more surgery scheduled. Now, back to regular life!
Knitting Camp!
Show and Tell:

Spinning Lessons:

The tables of people

(see my crutches, in back?)

That is Meg, in the center in the cream top

My seatmates

Across from me.

That is the Stonington Shawl....made by Elizabeth Zimmermann herself! I loved wearing it!

100 years of Zimmermann contest entry by Greg...it's a "fire cracker"! Or maybe a bottle rocket. A tube covered in knitting, with dangly sparklers and shooting a cork!